Um... hi! (If you are viewing this text file in notepad please turn on word wrap. It looks like crap without it.) "Prepare to die" is my first finished level, so far, created with the ever popular DEVIL. It is the first of many more cool levels that a friend and I will bring to you (hopefully) in the future and maybe for descent2 also. As for Licence agreements, this level is freeware and you may distribute it freely but only if the zip file contains each of the original components and this text file.You may use Macros from this level in your own levels. If you do please dont forget to give yours truly some credit. I'm sure that as you progress in this level you will find some cool, and bizarre, things. I must warn you now that you can blow the reactor anytime after getting through the blue door but you need the red key to get to the exit. (I'm typing this to save you any mental anguish) The rest is for you to figure out. So I'll stop making you read this because I know you have better things to do than listen to me yammer about this and that just for no reason at all except the fact that I like to talk, or type, whichever you prefer, for long periods of time taking away from your time blowing away big bad robots and flying down long shafts making yourself dizzy so I'll let you get back to your descenting. ( Don'tcha just love run-on sentences?) Noel Nissen A.K.A. Groo a descent player (but I'm not a computer geek. Im really not) P.S. If any thing goes wrong with this level I am not responsible. P.P.S. Oh yeah, this level is networkable (anarchy, robo-anarchy, and team-anarchy. Sorry no co-op, but why would you want to?)